The following messages can be generated during AnkrPt Pairwise generation.

Code Message Description


Cannot add additional criteria once required tests are defined.

To help manage data, we enforce all positive criteria created first, followed by negative criteria. Then required tests, and finally constraints. Forcing this order simplifies effectively managing your test criteria.


Section <> cannot be defined more than once, please combine the two sections.

You can only define each section once in the following order: Criteria, Negative Criteria, Required Tests, Constraints.


Criteria <> is already defined and cannot be defined again.

You’ve already defined values for the identified criteria. Make sure to provide all the valid values together, and all the negative values together.


<> has not yet been defined in your criteria.

You can’t refer to a criteria that has not yet been defined. Check to see that you’ve spelled the criteria name correctly.


<> needs at least two criteria defined.

If you’re doing pairwise testing, we need to generate pairs, meaning two. You need at least two criteria to test.


<> cannot be added multiple times to <>

Don’t add the same value multiple times. Duplicated data causes duplicated tests and the purpose of pairwise testing is to maximize coverage while minimizing testing. Extra blanks are considered extraneous so we check for this but don’t automatically remove them; you must manage your own test data.


'CRITERIA' line missing.

Every Criteria file must start with CRITERIA as the first line otherwise it is not considered a Criteria definition file. This lets us support BOM markers.


Criteria not defined.

Pairwise needs to have criteria defined in order to produce tests.


All the valid and negative values for each criteria must be defined together.

You must group all the valid or negative values for each criteria at the same time, you cannot add additional valid or negative for a criteria after already having defined them.


Criteria name must be provided, blank is not allowed.


<> is already defined as valid criteria for <>.

You have already defined the identified criteria as valid, so trying to include it for negative testing is a conflict. Make it either positive or negative, not both.


Required tests must include valid criteria. <> cannot be <>.

Required tests are a quick and easy way to ensure specific happy path tests. If you want to test more complex processing, this must be done with Constraints.


The row immediately after REQUIRED TESTS must be a header row matching the criteria name <>.

Required Tests expect a header row of the criteria names to ensure you’re entering your Required Tests in a consistent manner, the order defined in CRITERIA. But don’t forget the ID column at the beginning which simplifies Required Test management, and allows identification of negative Required Tests.


Required Test <> requires at least 3 criteria.

All Required Tests must include at least three (3) criteria otherwise they’re just pairwise tests. And all pairwise tests are automatically generated.


Too many criteria (<>) provided for Required Test."<>".

You tried passing more criteria to your Required Test than are defined in CRITERIA.


Required test '<>' conflicts with '<>'.

Both Required Tests test the same thing so you must choose which to use. This often occurs when one Required Test has fewer criteria than another but the criteria match. You likely want the more explicit test but you have to make that decision.


Required test ID must be unique. '<>' already defined.

The id of the Required Test must be unique otherwise we can’t identify which Required Tests must be reviewed when there are issues.


Required test ID must be provided, blank is not allowed.

Each Required Test must provide a unique id to identify Required Tests must be reviewed when there are issues.


Required Test #<> is not valid.

Each Required Test must be checked by provided constraints. If it is not valid, then it cannot be added.


Constraint #<> - Or is not allowed on THEN clauses. Use isIn or isNotIn if necessary.

THEN is expecting a very specific condition across criteria so OR is not allowed across criteria. However, if you want OR for a single criteria, isIn and isNotIn will support this.


Constraint #<> - WHEN can only be defined once.

You can only define WHEN once. Did you mean to use AND or OR instead?


Constraint #<> - THEN can only be defined once.

THEN can only be defined once for a Constraint. Did you mean to use AND instead?


Constraint #<> - Cannot have a THEN without a WHEN

THEN doesn’t logically work without a WHEN. Add a WHEN to define your Constraint.


Constraint #<> - WHEN must be defined before <>

Constraints must be entered as WHEN, AND/OR, THEN, AND.


Only one value is allowed when using <>

IS and ISNOT only allow a single value. ISIN and ISNOTIN allowed for multiple values.


More than one value is required when using <>

ISIN and ISNOTIN expect multiple values. Use IS and ISNOT if you’re comparing against only one value.


Merge your multiple OR statements for criteria <> into a single ISIN/ISNOTIN statement.

Merging multiple OR statements for the same criteria into a single statements makes it is easier to understand and manage the conditions of your criteria.


The provided constraint condition (<>) is invalid for line "<>".


Row (<>) cannot be filled with values because of opposed constraints.


One of the values provided for constraint #<> is empty.

Check if your constraint lines doesn’t have any unnecessary delimiters at the end.


Criterion <> is repeated in <> for constraint #<>.


Criterion <> exists in both WHEN and THEN part of constraint #<>


Keyword is wrong or missing for line <>

Possible keyword are: When, Then, Or, And


Error reading file. <>

The system failed reading the file identified. Ensure the file exists at the location identified.


Error writing file "<>". Please ensure file is not open, locked or doesn’t have invalid characters in the filename.

The system failed trying to open or write to the file identified. Ensure you have access to the file location, and that the file is not currently open, locked by another user or process or doesn’t have invalid characters in filename.


File "<>" is using an unsupported file type "<>". Please contact Kimputing.

The file type "<>" is unsupported. AnkrPt Pairwise currently only supports 'csv' files. Contact Kimputing is additional file types are needed.


The file <> needs a file extension to be processed.

The system needs to know the filetype being processed and uses the file extension to determine this. Please ensure the file has a file extension.


<> is an unsupported encoding type.

The provided encoding is not supported by Java. Please try something different.


The input and output filenames must be distinct.

Providing the same input and output filenames will result in your input file being overridden. This is not allowed.


Error renaming file

additional information provided


An input filename must be provided."


The charset "<>" provided is not valid.

The character set provided is not a valid one. Choose another such as UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.


The additional output "<>" provided is not valid.

Valid additional output types are "none", "json", or "xml".


Invalid filename: <>

The provided filename is invalid, please correct it.


Invalid number of parameters. Parameter 1: input file. Parameter 2 (optional): output file. File locations can include paths.


Criteria is too complex to generate sustainable tests. Reconsider the following and try again. <>.

Refer to the AnkrPt Pairwise Testing Data to understand how to leverage test data. If you need to override, use -override=yes but this is unsupported.


Pairwise test generation cancelled.


Pairwise license key issue, please contact Kimputing at


Invalid or expired Pairwise license key, please contact Kimputing at


Pairwise license not found.


License file not found.

Please review documentation for the location of the license file.


ANKRPT_PROPERTIES is deprecated. Please replace it with ANKRPT_USERFOLDER which points to AnkrPt user folder.

additional information provided